What's New from The Firefly Group? Motion
Activated Let
Actions Speak Boost
brain functioning and keep your group engaged with this deck of 52
action cards. |
Welcome to The Firefly Group!
Specialists in the use of interactive learning strategies to help businesses and other organizations achieve their goals.
Because I have taken on a full time job, I have decided
to suspend my consulting business. As a result, I will no longer publish the
Firefly News Flash.
I hope you will still read back issues which you can find HERE.
I always enjoy hearing what you have learned from my newsletter or what happened when you tried one of my activities. Please continue to let me know when you have been inspired or if you have a question about using an activity.
Your interest in my work and my ideas has been a real spark of inspiration for me. Thank you! Brian Remer
Inverted Glass
Tired of typical teaching? Here's how you can use a glass, water, and an index
card to turn things upside down and teach about being a better leader, managing
stress, resisting peer pressure, and much more.
this video
Throughout this website you will find training and facilitation ideas that are engaging, participatory, result-focused, and fun! If you are looking for an enjoyable way to learn and if you want to include your whole group as valued participants, use the pages listed here as your resource library. When you do use something, please link to and refernce this site and its author, Brian Remer. Thank you!
it Out! The Firefly News Flash
read back issues of our FREE newsletter designed to spark your passion for
continuous learning.
The October 2018 issue is available.
Quotidian Learning: Our final issue of the Firefly News Flash
Most people don't look to learn something from the dull, ordinary things that happen every day. I do. It's a practice I have consciously cultivated. But in the future, I will not be sharing my insights through the Firefly News Flash.In this issue I explain why and provide tips for you to expand your quotidian learning on a daily basis by yourself. Learn more in this issue of the Firefly News Flash.
Power Tip: Looking for learning? Experiment, observe, plan anew, repeat.
In this Issue:
99-Word Story: Up to Snuff - An ordinary mistake
Discoveries: Quotidian Learning - Insight from the ordinary
Ideas: Something New Every Day - Looking for learning
Activity: Your Turn - The next round of the experiential cycle
Bonus: Check out the Activity for this issue of the Firefly News Flash and you can see my newest video which demonstrates how to teach a multitude of topics with just 8 washers and a string.
Word Stories
HERE to see what kind
of a message ninety-nine powerful words can deliver!
Buy the book, Say It Quick!
Ready, set, glow!
To learn more, contact
Brian Remer
The Firefly Group
339 Bullock Drive
Guilford, VT 05301
802 257-7247
brian 'at' thefirefly.org
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2017 The Firefly Group
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